Happy Birthday Montana!!
Today in 1889, Montana became the 8th state in America!
Some fun facts and information about Montana:
State Capital: Helena
State Motto: "Oro y Plata" (Gold and Silver)
State Flower: Bitterroot
State Bird: Western Meadowlark
State Tree: Ponderosa Pine
State Animal: Grizzly Bear
State Nickname: The Treasure State
The average square mile of land contains 1.4 elk, 1.4 pronghorn antelope, and 3.3 deer.
The Montana Yogo Sapphire is the only North American gem to be included in the Crown Jewels of England.
Virginia City was founded in 1863 and is considered to be the most complete original town of its kind in the United States.
The moose, now numbering over 8,000 in Montana, was thought to be extinct in the Rockies south of Canada in the 1900s.
The notorious outlaw, Henry Plummer, built the first jail constructed in the state.